

You'll know he doesn't care when he text you and replies atleaast 30 minutes! Hindi ka niya madala dala sa public. He's NOT PROUD of you.  I never thought we would end like this. I thought before that "we will always be like those sweet couple" but then we end up "WE USED TO BE LIKE THEM!" Deym! I make myself believe that we can overcome this soon, that you're gonna tell everyone what's my role in your life. Deim! I waited long enough! I WAITED 4 MONTHS! I realized I waisted my time before and didn't appreciate the things we spent together. Now, I'm WAISTING MY TIME LOVING YOU OVER AND OVER AGAIN WHILE YOU CAN'T LOVE ME LIKE I DO. YOU SAID YOU LOVE ME? ONLY HELL WILL BELIEVE YOU, YOUR ACTIONS CONTRADICT THE WORDS YOU'RE SAYING! YOU PUT ME IN THE EDGE! because of you i'm afraid to fall again. because of you i dont want to pursue one of my dreams. because of you i think all of them are the same. because of you I LEARN THAT THERE'S REALLY NO LOVE. i hate you so much that i want to curse you!!!! you let me fall for you with no intentions on what might be the effect!

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